
Here are some of the projects I've been involved with.

I've been involved with a number of projects over the years varying in sizes, from small personal projects to large enterprise applications. I enjoy working on projects that are both fun and challenging which solve real-world problems.


Blast is a privacy-focused link-shortening platform built for developers. The original version was built as part of a cost-saving requirement for a client, which saw their SMS usage drop by around 40%. I have since rebuilt the platform from the ground up, open sourcing the code and making it available for anyone to use.

LaravelInertiaVueTailwind CSSMySQLCloudflareRedisMeilisearchPestCypress
Blast screenshot


Rushpay enables taxi fleets to provide instant payouts to their drivers for passenger fares. The system now makes payments of over £1 million per month to drivers across the UK. I built the application for the client in close collaboration with another freelance developer.

LaravelLivewireAlpine.jsPHPJavaScriptRevolut APIAWS
Rushpay screenshot

The Driver Portal

The Driver Portal is a management system allowing taxi fleets to automate their driver administration. It allows drivers to upload documents, view their earnings, make payments and communicate with office staff and other drivers. I was the sole freelance developer on the project which manages over 100,000 drivers across the UK, Europe and North America.

LaravelInertiaVueTailwind CSSStripe API
The Driver Portal screenshot

Automate NHS Patient Transport

While working at City Taxis, I developed a system to automate the process of booking patient transport for the NHS. It handled over 115,000 journeys each year for the Yorkshire and East Midland Ambulance Services. The system was built to integrate with the NHS's existing patient transport system and City Taxis dispatch system.

Automate NHS Patient Transport screenshot